'Fountain Family Reachout', een mooi nieuw initiatief van Fountain of Excellence

Benjamin van Fountain of Excellence in Oeganda: “Greetings from Fountain again, we have been missing to hear from each other, this does not mean that we had stopped impacting young people as FOUNTAIN. We have been doing hard work on ground though our social media updates were not consistent. This was due to various reasons which were above our control: our team leader losing his lovely dad, who died in spite of having had medical treatment. The lockdown effects affected most countries, also us in Uganda. We had some mechanical problems with our phones. Nevertheless we stayed positive and are looking forward to more great things. At the moment we are still making home visits to see some of the children / youngsters we are working with. A lot of families have been negatively affected by COVID-19. We started a programme called ‘Fountain Family Reachout’, trying to give hope to the families and sensitizing on COVID-19. In the future we hope to help these families to engage in small businesses because most of the bread winners have lost their jobs. A number of families and children are in need of food but we currently lack resources to cater for that. Here are some pictures about Fountain and the children we are supporting. Uncle Benjamin with the child being sponsored by Bram from Afrikin. Reagan, picked from the street, with some of the kids we found working in stone queries in order to get something to eat.”

Kind regards

Benjamin – Uganda


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